Castle Infinity Headquarters

Hey there returning Kid Explorers and new found Infinitites alike! This is the Castle Infinity Project, where we are hoping to not only resuscitate the old game, but resurrect it and give it new legs. Our small dedicated team is currently paying for all hosting costs/server costs and development costs to keep the Castle running. Our small dedicated team unfortunately also consists of a bunch of college kids who think a feast is anything more than a bag of ramen.

Castle Infinity is, of course, free. Unfortunately, bandwidth and servers aren't free, and neither are professionals when we run short on volunteers. Many other MMORPGs cost $50 or more to start, and then $15 a month so long as you want to keep playing, so in this day and age, a well-produced free game is a rarity.

In order for Castle Infinity to stay online, we need donations from the players. Donations help pay for servers and bandwidth, in addition to supporting future development of new rooms, art, and story arcs. If you'd like to let us know what your game name is so we'll know to be appreciative when we see you, you should note that in the notes box. Furthermore, if you'd like to have the donation go somewhere in particular (server, art, some SCHTICK idea, etc), please note that as well. We provide two methods of donation:

Anyone who lists their game name will be enrolled in our donor rewards program. Which will be an exclusive in-game part, plus some other goodies too. It's the least we can do.

Again thank you for helping us to keep the Castle alive.
-The Castle Infinity Gang